
Product DetailsProduct DetailsI am thinking about fathers/sons which could be read as parents/children as I finish Book One of the Odyssey and quite a few chapters or AN Odyssey.  What do you think of this quote?  “Few sons are the equals of their fathers; most fall short, all too few surpass them.”  This has led to some philosophical thoughts on my part as both my parents’ child and my children’s parents.  Just a hint of all that there is to think about in these two excellent reads.

Renoir’s Dancer (and my reading goals for the year)

Product DetailsThis year, I am trying to read more broadly.  I will always adore mysteries and fiction but also want to expand and keep learning and challenging myself.  I have read part of this biography so the full review will follow later.  I recommend it already though.  Suzanne Valadon had such an interesting, often difficult life.  So far, I have learned a great deal about the hardships that her mother faced, French history and customs; and Suzanne’s early years.  She will be a well-known model, painter and mother of a painter by the time I finish this book.  So many of us have admired Renoir paintings; there was just a marvelous exhibit at the Phillips in DC.  This is a chance to learn more about what transpired behind the scenes.  More to come but but this on your TBR pile.  It comes out in February.

#Renoir’sDancer #NetGalley

Be smart and read The Knowledge

Welcome back Richard Jury and Co!
After reading The Man with a Load of Mischief, I always looked for books in this series. Then, I moved away from them…not sure why, the books or me. But, I will tell you that I very much enjoyed The Knowledge. All of the trademarks are here; characters including Wiggins, Melrose Plant, Diane, etc. and of course the preternaturally smart, cunning and ingenious child(ren). On top of this there is Africa, Art, Astrophysics, the Stars and murder, all of which line up as perfectly as an eclipse. If you enjoy traditional British style (author is American) mysteries with a twist, read this novel!

#TheKnowledge #NetGalley

Enjoying Odysseys

Product Details     Product Details  So…bit by bit, I am making my way through THE Odyssey and AN Odyssey as noted in an earlier post.  An excellent combination.  AN Odyssey provides insight into the lives of a professor (son) and his father, who audits his son’s Odyssey seminar.  Father offers opinions in class despite saying he would not speak.  An interesting dynamic. I am also learning more about the books of THE Odyssey from AN Odyssey which informs my reading of THE Odyssey.  This translation is very readable and I am enjoying taking my time with it.  There are many beautiful adjectives and adjectival phrases. More updates to follow.

Art and Murder in Scotland

I enjoyed this fictional trip to the Scottish highlands. Painter, Seamus and his photographer wife, Sylvie run their shop and engage in their artistic pursuits while living in their small, close-knit community. When a painting by a well-known Scottish artist leads to murder, the chase is on! Pluses in this book include the very likeable characters and the relationships between them. There were times when I groaned as Sylvie yet again became a “damsel in distress.” I figured out “whodunnit” but nonetheless recommend this novel. I will look for the other books in this series and you might want to too.

#BeforeAndAgain #NetGalley

This title will be published in June if you would like to mark your calendar

A big January ahead in my reading

Product DetailsProduct DetailsI love January first; for a moment all things seem possible.  No mistakes made as yet though I am pretty certain that will change.

I am excited about another year of reading journeys.  Top of my list right now are two books that I will review further later but have just begun.  As you can see, they pair well together.  An Odyssey is a story of fathers and sons both present and from Greek epic.  The author teaches a class on the Odyssey at Bard College; his father asks to audit. ( Intriguing to me as I audit many classes too.)  It seems that this will be a good and thought provoking read about family relationships in fact and fiction..

So, you may all have heard about Emily Wilson’s translation of The Odyssey.  This is the first translation EVER by a woman. There is a great podcast on Slate as an introduction.  I am excited to have begun reading this beautiful and easy to follow edition of a great work.  It may be the start of educating myself on great literary works that I have missed.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading everyone.  I look forward to sharing more and to getting your feedback in 2018 .